🌶 1 | You’ll Never Know

Chili Tells
2 min readNov 24, 2020

因為是第一篇 所以當然要好好解釋一下


我們人生每個階段都會碰到的 或許對你來說不是chili吧

但都一樣存在偶爾讓我們煩得不得了 又暖得不得了的人


至於顏色 就是我人生裡的chili們 真實使用的顏色

看得懂嗎? 明白的話


1 有時候有點情緒化 自尊心有點強 但是善良得不得了 心臟又強又弱的
擁有這樣的chili 你只想好好珍惜保護 順便時不時感到驕傲

沒辦法 除了家人以外 他可能是唯一真心為你好的了

Chili 1 說


即使甚至相反 我們都難以滲透所有細節

即使想分享, 100% 的表達各個方面都困難




這是Chili 1 告訴我的,今天也告訴你們了哦

Why Chili?

Well, don’t you think they are sometimes a pain in the a*s ?

but somehow they did also spice up our lives, more or less, can’t deny.

Why do I put numbers down as well?

just to keep track of the lesson I’ve learnt from them already.

picked them from my chilis, if you know what I mean

Who knows, maybe you’re one of my chilis?

1 is a great friend of mine

I decided to talk about it first as it still a huge chili in my life, I might even come back to it sooner or later.

It is the kind of chili that would hit you with the ugliest truth

Here’s one of the things Chili 1 has to tell:

We might be envy or sometimes even generate hate towards some other chilis in our lives, we consider them “better” or “loser”,
comparing to ourselves, of course

But the thing is we’d never know what they’ve been through.

They might look perfect or quite the opposite in some ways
but you might never know the whole story .

Behind the scenes, 80% are hidden, as much as people wanna cover everything, it's just difficult to share every. single. thing 100%

so why bother scratching on the surface and humiliate others or yourself

focus on your own story,
that's what 1 has to tell, and now you’ve heard it as well.

